VistaCreate Review for the Graphic Design Challenged

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Looking for an easy graphic design tool for non-designers? Learn about VistaCreate (formerly known as Crello), a simple graphic design tool for those of us who are graphically design challenged. Here you’ll find an overview of the program and tips for using it. It’s a snap to get started with a free account.

Important Name Change

Crello was acquired by the Vista Print design company and the name changed to VistaCreate. In this post, references to Crello have been changed to VistaCreate to reflect that change, but in the video tutorials and screenshots you will still see the name Crello. The program functions just as it did before, but the name has changed.

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My Fumbling Graphic Design Backstory

In previous posts about graphic design, whether designing infographics, editing photos, or choosing colors that go together, I have lamented my lack of design skills. That’s why I was so excited to learn about another free design tools called VistaCreate. The way I look at it, the more graphic design tools I have in my graphic design toolbox, the better. If I add enough good-quality tools, surely my design skills are bound to improve, right? Today, I’d like to give you an honest VistaCreate review, complete with comparisons to other design programs.

Who Needs to Know About VistaCreate?

You might be asking is VistaCreate better than Canva? How can I make my own graphic for free? Is VistaCreate a worthwhile addition to my collection of free graphic design software? Whether you are a small business owner trying to find free design software to create your brand, a teacher trying to add graphics to spice up assignments, or a blogger in need of dynamic Pinterest pins, this Crello/VistaCreate review is for you.

***Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission from qualifying purchases at no additional cost to you.***

What Does the VistaCreate Free Plan Include?

Similar to Canva, VistaCreate offers a library of free photos, videos, and templates for users to access. One huge benefit of the VistaCreate free plan is that it allows users to upload fonts. That is a definite win! Other free features not available in the Canva free version include the ability to easily resize designs into any format and the availability of unlimited storage folders. Unlimited storage folders are especially appealing to me because right now, in the free version of Canva, I have to scroll through all of my designs to find what I’m looking for. The unlimited folders feature would definitely be a plus.

Is VistaCreate Easy to Use?

If you are already familiar with Canva, then learning how to use VistaCreate will be a snap. The dashboard features are very similar. Your learning curve will not be steep, and you will be able to create designs quickly right from the start. Hooray! Ease of use is a terrific feature, especially for a design-challenged person like me. Here’s a demonstration of some of the easy-to-use features so you can judge for yourself.

Is There an App?

In the past, when I have reviewed other graphic design programs, I have noted the lack of an app. I was pleasantly surprised to find that VistaCreate does have an app. Here’s why that’s a great thing. I don’t know about you, but I like to do most of my designing on my laptop. It’s just simpler for me and I feel as if I can access the different tools more quickly. However, once I have something designed, I usually like to share it to social media via my phone. With the VistaCreate app, that’s easy to do.

Thanks to recent updates, designs created on a laptop or desktop are now editable in the app, and vice versa. That is a huge improvement, and a big timesaver for me as I am able to use it to quickly create Pinterest graphics whenever I have downtime.

Is there a Color Picker Tool in VistaCreate?

Like Canva, VistaCreate does not come with a color picker tool. The good news is that it’s easy to add a color picker tool as a Google extension. Just go to the Chrome Web Store and type in ColorZilla. The extension is wonderful, easy to use, and has helped improve my design skills immensely. Before using ColorZilla, I never knew which colors to use in a design. I tried to eyeball the colors in my chosen photo and find a matching hex code. It didn’t work very well! With the ColorZilla extension, the guesswork is taken away. It can be used with any graphic design tool anytime you need to match colors.

What Are the Features of the Pro Plan?

If the free version of VistaCreate is so great, why would anyone want to upgrade to the Pro version? It’s true that the free version is so packed with features you may never feel the need to upgrade. There are advantages to upgrading though. When you upgrade to Pro, you get the ability to create a team of up to four members who can create designs in one space. If you work with a team of graphic designers, this could be a terrific benefit.

VistaCreate saves me money. Another reason you might want to upgrade is that you will have access to over 500,000 premium stock photos, over 25,000 premium design templates and over 9,000 premium videos. Why is this such an amazing feature? VistaCreate was created by the folks at DepositPhotos, and they offer incredible premium stock photos in their collection. When I started using their photos in my designs, my traffic climbed significantly. In addition to my feeble graphic design skills, my photography skills are sadly lacking as well. Since VistaCreate Pro includes premium stock photos and videos from DepositPhotos, that’s a big money-saver right there. Videos cost extra money on the DepositPhotos site, but not on VistaCreate if you have a lifetime Pro account.

Create Animated Designs With VistaCreate Pro

Animated designs are very popular right now. If you want your designs to pop, animation is one way to do that. The Pro version of VistaCreate includes over 8,000 pre-designed animations, objects and backgrounds. If you are active on social media or have a YouTube channel, this design feature will be of interest to you.

Cost Comparison of Pro Plan

Okay, so what’s the bottom line? How much does the Pro version of VistaCreate cost? Check out their pricing page. I’m extremely happy with my VistaCreate Pro purchase, and I’m using it more and more all the time. If you create a lot of pins for Pinterest, you know how important it is to have unique, eye-catching images on your pins.

Do You Need Another Tool in Your Graphic Design Toolbox?

I hope you’ve found this VistaCreate review helpful. For a free graphic design tool, VistaCreate is a definite winner. Whether you add the free version or opt for the Pro, it will add a nice variety of graphic design options. Its main strength is its selection of photos, videos and animations. If you decide to take VistaCreate for a test-drive, I’d be interested to know what you think. It’s not perfect, but getting in at the beginning means getting to try out new features as they are rolled out.

Will I Still Use the Other Tools in My Graphic Design Toolbox?

Variety is a good thing, so I will definitely continue to use the following graphic design tools in addition to Crello for these reasons:

  • Canva (free version, because I have so many design templates there and I like using their color palette tool)
  • (free version, because I can create up to 10 tall 600 by 1260 pixel Pinterest images per month If I want to.)
  • RelayThat (Pro version lifetime deal, because I can create a massive number of Pinterest pins quickly.)

I need all the help I can get! Maybe if I use all of these graphic design tools in combination with each other, my skills will improve.

May all of your graphic design efforts meet with great success!



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Lisa Mitchell is a school librarian who likes to use her job as an excuse to stay up far too late reading books and noodling around with tech tools.

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