Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination Thank You

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I was recently surprised to learn that I had been nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Wendy Wallace, who writes the One Exceptional Life blog. Thank you for the encouragement, Wendy! From what I have read on other blog posts, the Sunshine Blogger Award nominations are given to new bloggers who strive to be a positive and inspiring part of the blogging community.

Award Rules

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog.
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.

My Questions From Wendy at One Exceptional Life:

1. Why did you start blogging? I began blogging because my husband and I are new empty-nesters and I have always wanted to write. I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a long time and finally dove in.

2. What inspires you? I am inspired by reading the Bible and by reading about other people who have encountered difficulties and have been victorious. I am also inspired by my family, coworkers and the people I encounter every day.

3. What is your favorite animal and why? I like giraffes, because they are tall, like me, and seem to have easy-going dispositions.

4. What is one interesting thing about you that people don’t know? I once met Maria von Trapp. It was back in the 80s, and she was signing books in the gift shop at her family home in Stowe, Vermont.

5. What is your favorite food? I love smoked oysters!

6. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? I’d be thrilled to visit Cornwall in the UK. I’ve been to other regions of the UK, and enjoyed visiting immensely, but Cornwall has always fascinated me.

7. What are your top 5 blogging necessities? My blogging necessities include my laptop, the camera on my phone, the Yoast SEO plugin on Bluehost, Canva, and other bloggers to provide inspiration and motivation.

8. If you won 1 million dollars, what would you do with it? I would give some away, I’d buy my husband a new truck, then I’d stash the rest in a few bank accounts while I prayed about what to do with the rest.

9. What are your goals for your blog? I would like to encourage others and be a bright spot in someone’s day.

10. What scares you the most? Uncertainty! I like to have a plan, and it’s tough for me to realize that I’m not the one in control.

11. What other talent or skill are you proud of, besides blogging? I know how to jump on a pogo stick!

My Sunshine Blogger Award Nominees With Their Blog Links and Twitter Handles are:

  1. TheHouseThatNeverSlumbers @insomnomom
  2. LittleBlogOfPositivity @alisonw30
  3. JesusCoffeeNaps @NapsBlog
  4. HappyEmptyAfter @HappyEmptyAfter
  5. IntentionallyAshlyn @AshIntentional
  6. MamaCantSing @mama_cant_sing
  7. SeahorseAndDragonfly @shorsedragonfly
  8. BeHealthyBeHappyWellness @phoward336
  9. EmbracingTheRepeat @Embracingrepeat
  10. ExploringThePrime @ExploreThePrime
  11. ALifeLivedInLove @lifelivedinlove

Questions for my Nominees:

  1. What inspired you to start blogging?
  2. Where do you get your blogging ideas?
  3. What is your favorite time-management tip for bloggers?
  4. What are your biggest blogging challenges?
  5. What was the last gift you gave someone?
  6. What new flavor of potato chip would you like to create?
  7. What are you well-known for among your family and friends?
  8. What is something funny that has happened to you recently?
  9. What is your favorite movie of all time?
  10. What is your favorite smell?
  11. What is a favorite inspirational quote?

I am grateful to have encountered so many inspiring people in the blogging community. I feel truly blessed. If you aren’t familiar with the Sunshine Blogger Award nominees listed above, please be sure to pay their sites a visit.

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Have a wonderful week, and may all of your graphic design efforts meet with great success!

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Lisa Mitchell is a school librarian who likes to use her job as an excuse to stay up far too late reading books and noodling around with tech tools.

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