Learn how to quickly create a new Pinterest pin for an old post with these handy shortcuts. If creating new, fresh pin images is taking too much of your time, you are in the right place. Read on to get the tips for designing new pins without taking too much of your precious time.
My Pinterest Backstory
As I learn more about ways to use Pinterest effectively, I am realizing the importance of creating fresh pins. Creating a new pin for an old post is time-consuming, though. At least, that is what I used to think. Here’s my super-speedy, quick way to create a new pin for an old post. I’m getting faster every day!
Create More than One Pin Image Per Post
First of all, it’s good to get into the habit of creating more than one pin image per post. Many bloggers I know create three per post, and one blogger I know creates five. I have only recently started creating multiple pin images for each post. I wish I would have begun sooner. Now I feel like I’m playing catch-up. No need to include them all in your blog post, although some hide them. That’s a post for the future. To quickly create a new pin for an old post, let’s proceed as if you are using one of the spare pin images you created.
Open Up Multiple Windows
Although this method may be employed using a phone and apps, I get the speediest results when I work on my laptop. I open up these windows:
- my blog post in WordPress
- file location of my stored image
- my blog post online (the live version)
- a program like Google docs or Word where you can copy and paste text
Once you have those open, you are ready to begin. I’ve been timing myself lately. When I have every window open that I will need, I mentally tell myself, “Go!”
Copy and Paste the Old Pin Description
In Pinterest, find a copy of the old pin you made for the blog post. Click on the “Edit” pencil in Pinterest, find the old description, copy and paste it into a document for future reference. I have one document I use especially for pin descriptions. I do this because I don’t usually want to take the time to create an entirely new description from scratch.
Upload the Image
In Pinterest, click on “Create Pin”. Click and drag the image from your open folder into the image area in Pinterest. If you had to download the image from a program, such as Canva, just drag the downloaded image up into the Pinterest image window. Now your pin image is in place.
Copy and Paste the Link and Old Pin Description, Revise as Needed
Next, click on the tab with your link to the live post and copy the URL from your post. Place it in your Pinterest pin URL area. Then go to the document where you pasted your old pin description. Copy and paste the description in your pin description area. At this time, you may wish to tweak the description or add different hashtags. To research keywords in Pinterest while I am creating a new pin, I have my phone beside me and I search in the Pinterest app. I type in keywords in the search bar, then see what Pinterest suggests. I use the suggestions to modify my pin description and to revise my list of hashtags in the pin.
Copy and Paste the New Description into the HTML Text of the Pinterest Image in Your Post
Finally, copy and paste the revised pin description into the html text of the Pinterest Image in Your Post. Click on the Text tab in WordPress (right corner in the Classic editor). In the text for the image, right after the size, you will type in data-pin-description=”Then put your pin description in quotes”. Here’s what it looks like in HTML:
<p style=”text-align: center;”><img class=”aligncenter size-medium wp-image-5411″ src=”https://fluxingwell.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/How-to-quicklyCreate-a-new-pin-for-an-old-post-on-pinterest-200×300.jpg” alt=”How to quickly create a new pin for an old post on Pinterest Pinterest image” width=”200″ height=”300″ data-pin-description=”How to Quickly Create a New Pin for an Old Post on Pinterest will give you an easy method for creating new pins. Drive more traffic to your blog. Catch the attention of Pinterest users by getting more of your pins out there consistently using this systematic, fast pin-creation approach. Check it out and give it a try. Great for updating websites too! #pinterest #pinteresttips #pinteresttipsforbloggers #pinteresttipsforbusiness #pinteresttipsandtricks #pinteresttipsforbeginners #blog #blogtips”/></p>
I colored the text blue where I inserted the code and the pin description from Pinterest. Now, if someone is pinning this image directly from your post page, WordPress will automatically pull information from this carefully-crafted description in the code. It will not go to waste when someone pins directly from your page.
Publish Your New Pin
That’s it. You’re ready to publish your new pin. Just choose your most relevant board, and save your new pin there. Well done! How long did it take you to create a new pin? I’m getting faster and more efficient all the time, the more I practice.
What are Your Favorite Speedy Pin Creation Strategies?
I am always learning and always getting new pin creation ideas from people. Do you have favorite speedy Pinterest strategies to create a new pin quickly? If you could use some Pinterest inspiration, consider joining my Blogging Well with Pinterest Facebook Group. We have active share threads every day, along with daily tips for more effective use of Pinterest.
Have a wonderful week, and may you be able to create new pins in record time!
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Lisa Mitchell is a school librarian who likes to use her job as an excuse to stay up far too late reading books and noodling around with tech tools.
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