The Liebster Award Nomination
The Liebster Award is an internet award given to bloggers by other bloggers. Liebster, in German, means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome. Encouraging bloggers is the goal of this award, and I was surprised and honored to have been nominated by Emma at Moving and Baking. Thank you, Emma! As the title suggests, her awesome blog is about her experiences moving across the country as well as her experiences in the kitchen. Visit her blog and be inspired! Thank you, Liebster Award, for the blogger encouragement!
The Liebster Award Rules
- Add a link to the Official Liebster Award page in your blog post.
- Answer the questions from your nominator.
- Ask 11 more questions to those you nominate.
- Comment on the Liebster Award blog with a link to your post.
Questions from Emma at Moving and Baking
- What do you find to be the most rewarding part of blogging? I have met some awesome, amazing people in the supportive, encouraging blogging community. Bloggers rock!
- If you were an animal, which one would you be and why? I would be a giraffe. Giraffes are tall, like me, yet manage to move gracefully (unlike me, at times).
- What is the best advice you ever received? Blogging should be fun, not stressful.-Courtesy of Wendy Wallace of OneExceptionalLife.
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be? I would love to be able to fly. The closest I have gotten is doing iFly, which was a blast.
- What is the last book you read? I just finished _Educated_ by Tara Westover. Very interesting!
- If you could play any character in a TV show, movie, or book, who would it be? Wow, tough decision, but maybe, in my later years, Mrs. Pollifax, heroine in the Dorothy Gilman series of mysteries. Mrs. Pollifax is an elderly widow who ends up working for the CIA. Great series of books for young adults! It would also be fun to be a dowager of some sort, like the Dowager Countess of Grantham from Downton Abbey. I could say whatever I wanted and no one would try to do anything about it.
- What is your earliest memory? I remember waking up early one morning when everyone else in my family was asleep and wandering around, just being quietly thankful to be alive and be myself. Happiness and contentment are feelings from this early memory, which happened when I was three or four.
- What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical? It would be fun to see a musical version of Jane Austen’s _Emma_.
- Which is your least favorite word? Kind of a downer, but the word Alzheimer’s conjures up sad memories.
- Does the toilet paper roll go over or under? Definitely over! I recently read an article about this.
- You wake up after a night in jail. Why are you there, who’s with you, and who do you call to bail you out? I am younger, in my twenties, in jail with my sister, who was with me when we were caught toilet-papering the mayor’s house in our small town. We would call our parents to bail us out. Kind of a lame story, but it just popped into my mind.
My Questions
- What inspired you to start blogging?
- What is your favorite time-management tip for bloggers?
- Where do you get your blogging ideas?
- What are your biggest blogging challenges?
- What was the last gift you gave someone?
- What new flavor of potato chip would you like to create?
- What are you well-known for among your family and friends?
- What is something funny that has happened to you recently?
- What is your favorite movie of all time?
- What is your favorite smell?
- What is a favorite inspirational quote?
My Nominees for the Liebster Award
Here are some of my favorite bloggers, listed with their blog links and Twitter handles: