Blogger Encouragement: Boosts to Make a Blogger’s Day

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With about one billion websites and blogs in the world today (according to an article at, it’s extremely tough for a blogger to feel as if anyone is paying attention. If you are a friend of a blogger, have a blogger in your family, or are a blogger yourself, what can you do about this? Fortunately, the blogging community is massively supportive, and has some easy ways for anyone to provide blogger encouragement.  Although many bloggers are probably familiar with the strategies on this list, friends and family of bloggers may not be aware of these encouragement options. Here are a few of my favorites.

Leave a Quick Comment on a Blog Post

Many bloggers check their comments daily. Even if just one person leaves a comment on a post, that means that at least one person was paying attention. The blogger may have slaved over word choice and agonized over key words, hoping to strike just the right tone. Positive comments mean the work paid off. Hooray!

Share the Link to a Blog Post With Your Friends

Most bloggers provide buttons to make it easy to share their posts. Clicking and sharing on a Twitter, Pinterest or Facebook button is another way to provide blogger encouragement. There might be a button to share a post via email, Reddit or LinkedIn. Anything that will help the blogger get more traffic to his or her website is always a great encouragement.

Mention a Blogger in a Follow Friday (#ff) on Twitter

One popular Twitter activity to promote blogger encouragement is the Follow Friday (#ff)  post, where people mention Twitter handles of bloggers they recommend and believe others should follow. Each person that is tagged is notified, and the Twitter post usually gets retweeted multiple times. This provides the blogger with much-desired exposure to potentially new followers. It’s all about sharing the love, and this encouragement activity only takes a short time to create or respond to.

Subscribe to a Blog

Probably the highest compliment anyone can pay to a blogger is to subscribe to his or her blog. This means you, as a subscriber, will usually receive regular blog post updates and most likely some other free content created by the blogger. Successful bloggers have huge subscriber lists, and most bloggers are continually trying to think of ways to get new subscribers. So, if there is a blogger in your family or your circle of friends, be supportive and subscribe.

Participate in Blogger Award Nominations

Finally, an excellent way to promote blogger encouragement is to participate in blogger award nominations. If you’re a blogger, you are probably familiar with the Sunshine Blogger Award and the Blogger Recognition Award. I was recently nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award by My Casual Reflections, who writes a positive blog about family, faith, and life lessons. If you’ve never checked out her blog, please take the time to pay it a visit. It will brighten your day!

Here are the rules for the Versatile Blogger Award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you for the award.
  • Include a link to their blog. 
  • Select and nominate other blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  • Tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself. 

Here are seven things about me:

  1. I began blogging because my husband and I are new empty-nesters and I have always wanted to write. I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for a long time and finally dove in.
  2. I am inspired by reading the Bible and by reading about other people who have encountered difficulties and have been victorious. I am also inspired by my family, coworkers and the people I encounter every day.
  3. I like giraffes, because they are tall, like me, and seem to have easy-going dispositions.
  4. I once met Maria von Trapp. It was back in the 80s, and she was signing books in the gift shop at her family home in Stowe, Vermont.
  5. I love smoked oysters!
  6. Someday, I’d be thrilled to visit Cornwall in the UK. I’ve been to other regions of the UK, and enjoyed visiting immensely, but Cornwall has always fascinated me.
  7. I know how to jump on a pogo stick!

Here are my nominees for the Versatile Blogger Award. Take a look at their uplifting blogs!

Shannon at

Molly at

Stacey at

Steph at

I hope these nominations gives these bloggers a boost!

Make a Blogger’s Day

I hope you’ve gotten some good ideas about giving a blogger some encouragement. Have an amazing day, everyone! Let’s spread some blogger encouragement out there!

Have a wonderful week, and may all of your graphic design efforts meet with great success!



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Lisa Mitchell is a school librarian who likes to use her job as an excuse to stay up far too late reading books and noodling around with tech tools.

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